Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management

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Our natural landscapes face challenges like never before. We need innovative custodians of the land, its biodiversity and its heritage. Would you like to play a part in improving the health of ecosystems, human welfare and our planet? Make it happen with the Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management from Charles Sturt University.

Gain the skills to tackle many environmental issues, including land degradation, loss of biodiversity, climate change and water management. Plus, major in an area that captures your imagination: Applied Earth Science; Aquatic Ecosystems; Climate and Sustainability; Ecology and Conservation; or Parks, Recreation and Heritage.

Missed our Agriculture and Environmental Science Information Night? Catch up here.

This course is part of an articulated program of study. Articulated programs allow you to build on your study to achieve the right level of qualification for you.

Want to help make the world a ‘greener’ place? Study our Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management.

Key information

Study mode and sessions

On Campus
Next session start: July 14, 2025
Session 1 : March 3, 2025
On Campus, Online
Albury-Wodonga, Port Macquarie
Session 2 : July 14, 2025
Session 3 : November 17, 2025


Minimum time - 3 year(s)
Maximum time - 6 year(s)

Entry score


Indicative fees

Domestic on campus
Commonwealth grant scheme (CGS):

Full-time - $9,312.00 pa
Part-time - $4,656.00 pa

Domestic online
Commonwealth grant scheme (CGS):

Full-time - $9,312.00 pa
Part-time - $4,656.00 pa

Course points and codes

Credit Points: 192
AQF: Level 7

Additional information

  • Charles Sturt Advantage early offer program
  • First Nations Direct Entry Program
  • On campus intensive school
  • Credit and admission pathways
  • Workplace learning subjects
  • Commonwealth supported places available

Be a change agent with the Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management

Applications close February 12

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Find out more

Why study with us?

Get the best of both worlds

We're changing the game when it comes to learning that works for you. Year one, you can choose to study online or combine on-campus and online study. you'll make all-important connections with your peers and academics, and build your professional network with employers. Plus, because we know you have a busy life, we'll keep the timetable nice and compact so you can fit everything in. As you move into your second and third years, you'll study more independently as you start to major in and undertake industry placements. The course changes as you learn more.

Build a solid foundation - then specialise through majors

Will you get a solid grounding in the fundamental theory and practice in your field? Of course. That's what your first year is all about. You then build on those foundations by majoring in an area that aligns with your career goals. Choose from: Applied Earth Science; Aquatic Ecosystems; Climate and Sustainability; Ecology and Conservation; and Parks, Recreation and Heritage.

Explore the change the world needs

This environmental sciences course is closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. You'll investigate key elements of the SDGs - such as clean water, sustainable cities, climate action, life below water and life on land - and, crucially, how environmental, social and economic factors intersect in the drive for a sustainable future.

Work with employers from day one

Build your career from day one with work-based experiences that build to placements later in the degree, including opportunities for international study in places such as Bhutan, Cambodia and Nepal. By the time you graduate, you'll have the ultimate portfolio of skills that industry needs. How do we know industry needs them? We got industry to help us develop the course.

A qualification at every step

As you complete each year of study, you gain a qualification. After the first year, you can receive a Diploma of Environmental Studies; after the second, an Associate Degree in Environmental Science. So, if you achieve a diploma and then want to work for a year, when you return, you'll go straight into the associate degree year, with credit for your completed diploma.

We’re #1 in Australia for ag and enviro undergrads who get jobs.

86% of our grads get full-time jobs within 4 months of graduating.

*Good Universities Guide 2022/23

Career opportunities

When you graduate, you'll be ready to make your mark in a wide range of environmental science careers, including:

  • Biodiversity officer
  • Catchment manager
  • Conservation manager
  • Environmental planner
  • Sustainability consultant
  • Spatial scientist
  • Aquatic scientist
  • Park ranger
  • Plant ecologist
  • Wildlife ecologist

What you will study

For each 8-point subject you are enrolled in, you should expect to spend 10 to 12 hours per week working on assignments and assigned readings, tutorial assistance, individual or group research/study, forum activity, workplace learning, and attending lectures, intensive schools, or examinations. If you are studying four subjects per session, this is equivalent to a full-time job. The workload for some subjects may vary as a result of approved course design.

Intensive school

Online students may need to attend an online or on campus intensive school for certain subjects. Intensive schools offer face-to-face or virtual lectures, tutorials and practicals to give you a deeper understanding of your subject content.

Core subjects96 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
BIO112Principles of Ecology8 credit pts
BIO216Conservation Biology8 credit pts
BIO263Methods for Environmental Data Analysis8 credit pts
ENM101People and the Environment8 credit pts
ENM163Natural Resource Management8 credit pts
ENM309Environmental Practice8 credit pts
ENM322Environmental Impact Assessment 8 credit pts
GEO164Earth System Processes8 credit pts
GEO204Ecological and Environmental Soil Science8 credit pts
GEO360Community and Stakeholder Engagement8 credit pts
SCI103Introduction to Geospatial Science8 credit pts
SPA215GIS 1: Geographic Information Science Foundations8 credit pts

Compulsory subjects16 Credit Points

Select from the following sets of subjects based on session of intake:

Set A16 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
ENM109Introduction to Environmental Practice8 credit pts
ENM111Indigenous Environmental Studies8 credit pts

Set B16 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
IKC101First Nations Foundations: Knowing, Relating and Understanding Country8 credit pts
SCI101What is Science?8 credit pts

Majors64 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
Select one (1) major from the following:
AE0001Applied Earth Sciences64 credit pts
AQ0001Aquatic Ecosystems64 credit pts
CT0001Climate and Sustainability64 credit pts
EY0001Ecology and Conservation64 credit pts
PR0001Parks, Recreation and Heritage64 credit pts

Non-Major64 Credit Points

Compulsory subject8 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
ENM308Challenges of Global Sustainable Development8 credit pts

Restricted electives56 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
Select seven (7) subjects from the following, at least 2 must be level 300 or above:
AHT404Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation8 credit pts
BIO203Animal Diversity8 credit pts
BIO262Vegetation Ecology8 credit pts
BIO312Landscape Ecology8 credit pts
BIO323River and Floodplain Ecology8 credit pts
BIO328Restoration Ecology8 credit pts
BIO329Wildlife Ecology8 credit pts
BIO330Wildlife Management8 credit pts
BIO331Fire Ecology and Management8 credit pts
BIO332Vegetation Management8 credit pts
BIO402River Restoration and Protection8 credit pts
BIO403Fish Ecology and Conservation8 credit pts
BIO430Avian Biology8 credit pts
BIO439Behavioural Ecology8 credit pts
BIO461Applied Ecological Conservation8 credit pts
CHM108Chemical Fundamentals8 credit pts
ENM234Past Environments: Dimensions of Historical Ecology and Environmental History8 credit pts
ENM310The Principles and Practice of Field Ecology8 credit pts
ENM415Environmental Management of Mine Sites and Contaminated Lands8 credit pts
ENM443Resilience Thinking and Ecologically Sustainable Development8 credit pts
GEO303Climatology8 credit pts
GEO305Groundwater Hydrology and Management8 credit pts
GEO314River Hydrology and Geomorphology8 credit pts
PKM260Planning Environmental Education and Interpretation8 credit pts
PKM266Culture and Heritage8 credit pts
PSC102Botany8 credit pts
PSC420Water Policy and Management8 credit pts
REC200Sustainable Management of Tourism and Recreation8 credit pts
REC205Open Space Planning8 credit pts
SCI302International Practical Experience 28 credit pts
SCI401Advanced Topics 18 credit pts
SPA217Remote Sensing of the Environment8 credit pts
SPA308GIS Applications8 credit pts
SPA351Cartography8 credit pts
SPA433GIS 3: Advanced Geographic Information Science8 credit pts
SPA442Remote Sensing 2: Image Processing and Analysis8 credit pts

Unrestricted electives16 Credit Points

  • Intensive school
  • Workplace learning
XUN008Unrestricted elective8 credit pts
XUN008Unrestricted elective8 credit pts
Applied Earth Sciences

This major encompasses a wide range of areas including soils, landscapes, the hydrosphere and atmosphere, climate science, geographic information systems and remote sensing. Investigate how landscape features affect plant and animal communities. Explore the applications of geospatial science. Critically evaluate climate modelling and weather forecasting.

Aquatic Ecosystems

Discover how aquatic habitats function, and the types of animals and plants that inhabit them. you'll learn about river hydrology, hydraulics and geomorphology; the science and management of groundwater; and the restoration of riverine environments following disturbance. From drought and habitat destruction, to threatened species protection, you'll gain the skills and knowledge to manage aquatic ecosystems and reduce human impacts on wetlands, rivers, lakes and estuaries.

Climate and Sustainability

Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing our planet. In this major, you'll investigate the impact humans have had on the environment, analyse the science and policy issues surrounding climate change, and explore sustainable solutions to improve the health of our environment.

Ecology and Conservation

In this major you'll study how species interact with each other, with other species and with their physical environment, taking in the principles behind conservation management and the role of biodiversity in sustaining life on our planet. you'll gain a complete understanding of wildlife and vegetation management, restoration ecology and the effects of fire on Australian ecosystems.

Parks, Recreation and Heritage

Learn how to manage the National Reserve System, particularly how to conserve these unique landscapes and sites for future generations. you'll explore sustainable tourism and recreation, open space planning and management; design interpretive and environmental education materials; and delve deeply into cultural heritage management.

For enrolment pattern please refer to the handbook.

Graduation requirements

As a Charles Sturt University student, throughout your course you have a responsibility to continue to develop skills in English language, literacy and numeracy as appropriate to your discipline. This ongoing development will enable you to effectively participate in your course and graduate prepared to enter the workforce.


Calculate my fee

The section below is designed to allow you to select the option specific to your circumstances to discover the course fee and course offering information appropriate for you.

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How is this calculated?

This is an estimate

  • Fees calculated based on 1 year of full-time study (ETSL).
  • Fees dependant on chosen subjects.
  • Subject to annual increase each year.


We have scholarships and grants, totalling over $11 million annually!

They cover various areas such as academic performance, volunteering, sports achievements, community service, specific courses, on-campus living and individuals in unique circumstances.

Explore scholarships

Entry requirements

Selection rank:


Learn about how our selection ranks are calculated (including ATARs and adjustment factors).

View the course profile for this course.

  • A completed High School Certificate with the minimum ATAR required (including adjustment factors) or equivalent.
  • A completed Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) with an equivalent ranking to the currently listed ATAR
  • A completed AQF Certificate III or higher level qualification.
  • 50% completion of an AQF Diploma level qualification.
  • A completed Tertiary Preparation Course from an Australian University or an accredited provider demonstrating a reasonable prospect of success through the Grade Point Average (GPA) gained in these studies.
  • Successful completion of two university level subjects (AQF level Associate Degree or higher) demonstrating a reasonable prospect of success through the Grade Point Average (GPA) gained in these studies.
  • Work experience, within the same industry as the course profile, of at least two years full time or equivalence, demonstrated by a detailed resume.

Standard English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements apply.  Click here to view the specific international course entry requirements.

Credit and pathways

If you’ve completed relevant tertiary study, or work experience related to your course, you could receive credit towards your degree. Which would mean completing your qualification quicker. Find out how to apply for credit and see our credit policy.

Check your eligibility for credit

We also have several admission pathways to help you take the step into your preferred course, even if you don't quite meet the entry requirements at first. Find out what admission pathways are available to you.

How to apply

Applying to Charles Sturt University is easy. Choose how you want to apply below, or get in touch with Charles Sturt University and we can help you with your application.

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